12 games of christmas

Here are some new game variations for you to enjoy with your Disc GO! Game Pack!

We trust you'll have a wonderful and fun Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Game: Signature Disc GO! Game (on the box)

Needs some space; can be played inside or outside; sitting or standing

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player + 1 White Disc


  1. Starting Position:
    • Place or toss the White Disc about 8 feet away (this is your “Target Marker”)
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player A tosses one of their Solid Discs, trying to land on the White Disc
    • Player B tosses one of their Solid Discs, trying to land on the White Disc
    • Continue taking turns until all Discs have been thrown
    • You must throw the Swirl Disc last
    • Make note of each players’ total points; gather the Discs and play another round
  3. Scoring:
    • Any Solid Disc ON the White Disc = 1 point
    • Any Swirl Disc ON the White Disc = 3 points
    • Continue playing until one of the players scores at least 21 points at the end of a round (must win by at least 2)
  4. Pro Tips:
    • To make it harder, step further away from the White Disc
    • If you have 3 or 4 players, check out our other instructional videos for how to play with just one Disc GO! set

Game: Finger Ringer

Needs some space; can be played inside or outside; sitting or standing

Game Type: Cooperative Game

Supplies Needed: 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player; no white Discs


  1. Starting Position:
    • Stand back-to-back with your teammate
    • Take 2 normal-sized steps away from each other
    • Turn to face your opponent and Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A
  2. Gameplay:
    • Players hold up pointer finger
    • Player A throws one solid Disc, aiming to ring Player B’s pointer finger
      • Catching Player can move hand / finger to catch the Disc, but feet must stay planted
      • Catching Player may NOT use their thumb to assist with catching the Disc on their pointer finger
    • Player B then throws one Disc
    • Players continue to take turns throwing one Disc at a time
    • You must throw the Swirl Disc last
    • Every Disc that rings a finger counts for points
  3. Scoring:
    • Any Solid Disc ON a pointer finger = 1 point
    • Any Swirl Disc ON a pointer finger = 2 points
    • Total your points with your teammate’s points
    • Play again to try to beat your score OR compete against another team!
  4. Pro Tips:
    • Once you catch a Disc on your finger, you can move it onto your wrist so it’s out of the way and can easily be counted for scoring later
      • Or just hold it in your hand so you can count it later
    • If it’s too easy, take a step back!

Game: Disc-slinger Duel

Needs some space; can be played inside or outside; played standing

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player; no white Discs


  1. Starting Position:
    • Stand back-to-back with your opponent
    • Both take 4 normal steps away from each other
    • Turn to face your opponent and Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player B turns around so back is facing Player A and stands with feet apart and arms outstretched to the sides, like a star
    • Player A aims to hit Player B with a Disc anywhere on their body
    • Player A throws one Disc at a time until all 4 of Player A’s Discs have been thrown
      • If Player A hits an arm of Player B, Player B must lower that arm (hit arm is out of play)
      • If Player A hits a leg of Player B, Player B must stand on the leg that was not hit (hit leg is out of play) – if both legs are hit, Player B must kneel!
    • Once all 4 of Player A’s Discs have been thrown, it is Player B’s turn
  3. Scoring:
    • Player wins points for any of the following:
      • Player A hits both of Player B’s arms = 1 point
      • Player A hits both of Player B’s legs = 1 point
      • Player A hits Player B in the head = 1 point for every successful headshot
      • No points for torso hits
    • Play 3 rounds and tally points
      • Highest number of points wins (must win by at least 2)

Game: Hippy Hoops

Needs some space; can be played inside or outside; played standing

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player; no white Discs


  1. Starting Position:
    • Stand back-to-back with your opponent
    • Both take 1 normal step away from each other
    • Turn to face your opponent and Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player B turns around so back is facing Player A
    • Player B’s stance:
      • fingertips on hip bones
      • palms face up
      • elbows pointed straight out to the sides
      • create the largest hoops possible with arms
    • Player A aims to throw through the hoops created by Player B’s arms
    • Once all 4 of Player A’s Discs have been thrown, it’s Player B’s turn
    • Upon completion of a round, both Players take 1 normal step further away from each other
      • You will continue to take 1 step away from each other after each round until a total of 4 steps have been taken
  1. Scoring:
    • A Solid Disc passes through one of the arm hoops = 1 point
    • A Swirl Disc passes through one of the arm hoops = 2 points
    • Tally points from all rounds to determine winner (must win by at least 2)
  2. Pro Tip:
    • Baggy shirts will make this more difficult to play!

Game: Keepy Uppy

Needs a lot of space; highly active game

Game Type: Cooperative Game

Supplies Needed: 1 Disc

Number of Players: 3+


  1. Starting Position:
    • Stand in a circle facing your teammates
  2. Gameplay:
    • Toss the Disc up in the air to start
    • Using your hands like a paddle (fingers closed), hit the Disc up, trying to keep it from falling to the ground
    • Players may only hit it 3 times in a row before the other Player must hit it
  3. Scoring:
    • Keep count of successful hits before it falls to the ground
    • Keep playing, trying to beat your record (or until you get tired!)

Game: Disc GO! Puzzler

Played sitting at a table; inside preferred

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: Each player gets one of EACH color of the Solid Discs and 1 Swirl Disc

Number of Players: 2


  1. Starting Position:
    • Players sit across from one another with a visual barrier between them (we like to use the Disc GO! Box standing up on its long side)
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A (there is no advantage to going first)
    • Both Players will have 2 Solid Discs of 2 different colors and 1 Swirl Disc
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player A lays out 3 Discs in front of them and behind the box so Player B cannot see the Discs
      • Discs in a row, all flat on table
      • Discs may be upside-down or right-side-up
    • Player B will try to match Player A’s configuration in as few moves as possible:
      • NOTE: Color, orientation, and location must match for Solid Discs, but Swirl Discs must only match orientation and location, not color
      • Player B lays out their Discs where Player A can see them
      • Player A announces how many Discs are correct (1, 2, or 3)
      • Player B makes one move at a time (i.e. flip over one Disc or swap two Discs) to try to get Discs to match
      • Keep an out-loud count of your moves
      • Once 3 Discs match, write down the total moves it took
    • Repeat with Player B being the first to lay out the 3 Discs
    • One round is complete after both Players have placed once and guessed once
    • Play 3 rounds total
  3. Scoring:
    • Total your points after 3 rounds
    • Lowest number of points wins

Game: Speed Sling

Needs some space; pretty active game

Game Type: Cooperative Game

Supplies Needed: 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player + 1 White Disc

Number of Players: 2


  1. Starting Position:
    • Stand back-to-back with your opponent
    • Both take 2 normal steps away from each other
    • Turn and face your opponent
    • One person has all the Discs
  2. Gameplay:
    • Partner with Discs starts throwing Discs straight to other person as quickly as possible
    • Other person is trying to catch the Discs
    • Catch as many as you can and write down the number you are holding when all Discs have been thrown
  3. Scoring:
    • Every Solid Disc caught = 1 point
    • Every Swirl Disc caught = 2 points
    • Try to beat your own high score!
  4. Other Ways to Play:
    • Throw all Discs at once
    • Throw high and low, side to side, for increased agility and movement

Game: Disc-Tac-Toe

Needs some space; can be played inside or outside; played standing

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: A way to mark off a Tic-Tac-Toe board (tape, chalk, etc.) and 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player + 1 White Disc

Number of Players: 2-4


  1. Starting Position:
    • Layout a Tic-Tac-Toe board (tape it off or draw it with chalk), making each square the width and height of 2 Discs
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A (there is no advantage to going first)
    • Player A tosses the White Disc onto the board, making sure it lands clearly in one square – it is now WILD and can be used by either player to complete their 3 in a row.
    • Players stand at the edge of game board and take 4 normal sized steps away
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player B tosses one of their own Solid Discs onto the board, aiming for an unoccupied square
    • Player A does the same and players continue to take turns
    • If your Solid Disc lands in an already occupied square, you must pick it up and wait until your next turn to throw again, aiming for an unoccupied square
    • If your Disc does not land on the board, it may be thrown again on your next turn
    • Special Super Swirl Disc Rules:
      • The Super Swirl Disc may only be thrown after all 3 Solid Discs have been thrown at least once
      • If the Super Swirl Disc lands in an square occupied by a Solid Disc, the Solid Disc is removed and may be played on next turn
      • Wherever a Super Swirl Disc lands, it secures that spot (may not be removed even if landed on by another Super Swirl Disc)
  1. Scoring:
    • First player to get 3 of their Discs in a row (with or without the WILD Disc) gets a point and a new game commences
    • First player to reach 11 wins (must win by at least 2)
    • Remember to use the Disc GO! Scorekeeper App to keep score and ask questions!
  2. Pro Tips:
    • Thinner lines are better
    • Make it more challenging by stepping further away

Game: Indoor Disc GO!f

Played inside, walking from room to room

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: 1 Disc per Player

Number of Players: 2-?


  1. Starting Position:
    • Go through the rooms of your house and identify targets. Here are some suggestions:
      • A bowl to land in
      • A bottle or something else to ring
      • A cushion to land on
      • A narrow space to land in (like on a bookshelf on top of the books)
      • On top of something high (like a shelf or armoire or chest of drawers or refrigerator)
      • Underneath something low (like the couch)
      • Get behind something
    • Count the number of th
  2. Gameplay:
    • Players will clearly identify the target and take turns throwing toward it
      • Throw as many times as necessary to get to the target (landing on it, in it, around it, under it, behind it, etc.)
    • Keep a count of the total number of throws for the entire game (like golf)
    • When a target is reached, use that target as your tee box and immediately aim for the next target
  3. Scoring:
    • Player with the lowest score (fewest throws) wins!

Game: Eggless Egg Toss

Needs a lot of space; can be played inside or outside; played standing

Game Type: Cooperative Game

Supplies Needed: A Timer and 3 Solid Discs per player + 1 Super Swirl Disc per player + 1 White Disc

Number of Players: 2


  1. Starting Position:
    • Position any 2 colored or swirl Discs 5 Disc GO! Box lengths apart
    • Position another Disc 1 Disc GO! Box length behind each of the initial Discs
    • Continue positioning the remaining Discs 1 Disc GO! Box length behind each Disc until you have 2 lines of Discs opposite each other with 4 Discs in each line
    • Players stand facing one another with one foot on first Disc
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A (there is no advantage to going first)
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player A has the White Disc; Player B starts the Timer
    • Player A tosses White Disc to Player B
    • Player B must catch White Disc with one hand
      • If he catches it, one Player steps back on to next Disc behind them
      • If he doesn’t, no movement occurs
    • Player B then tosses to Player A who must catch White Disc with one hand
      • If he catches it, one Player steps back on to next Disc behind them
      • If he doesn’t, one Player must step forward onto a Disc in front of them
      • NOTE: If no movement has occurred, players remain where they are; in other words, only go as far forward as the first Disc
    • Continue tossing the White Disc back and forth until both Players have successfully completed a catch from the furthest Disc position
      • This completes one round
    • After the completion of a round, both Players return to closest Disc and repeat game play until a total of 3 rounds have been completed
    • Player B stops the Timer after 3 rounds have been completed
  3. Scoring:
    • Write down how long it took you to complete the 3 rounds
    • Try to beat your time and / or compete against another team

Game: Flick Over the Box

Played sitting at a table; inside preferred

Game Type: Competitive Game

Discs Needed: All Discs: 6 Solid Discs + 2 Super Swirl Discs + 1 White Disc

Number of Players: 2


  1. Starting Position:
    • Both players are seated at a table across from one another
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A (there is no advantage to going first)
    • Stand your Disc GO! Box on its long end, on the table, 2 Disc lengths in front of Player B
    • Player A has all the Discs
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player A lays one Disc on the table (no more than 2 Disc lengths in front of them) and flicks it with their fingers, trying to launch it into the air and over the Disc GO! Box
    • Every Disc that successfully makes it over the box AND lands on the table gets a point
    • Once all Discs have been flicked, make note of Player A’s total points
    • Player B gathers all the Discs
    • Player A places the box 2 Disc lengths in front of themself
    • Once both Players have flicked all Discs, one round is complete
    • Play 3 rounds total
  3. Scoring:
    • Total your points at the end of 3 rounds
    • Player with the most points wins!

Game: Flick Into the Box

Played sitting at a table; inside preferred

Game Type: Competitive Game

Discs Needed: All Discs: 6 Solid Discs + 2 Super Swirl Discs + 1 White Disc

Number of Players: 2


  1. Starting Position:
    • Both players are seated at a table across from one another
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A (there is no advantage to going first)
    • Place the open Disc GO! Box between the two players, at the very edge of the table (right in front of Player B)
    • Turn the box toward Player A (so its opening faces them)
    • Player A has all the Discs
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player A lays one Disc on the table (no more than one finger length from the edge of the table) and flicks it with their finger, trying to land inside the Disc GO! Box
    • Every Disc that successfully lands inside the box gets a point
    • Once all Discs have been flicked, make note of Player A’s total points
    • Player B gathers all the Discs
      • Player A places the box at the very edge of the table (right in front of Player A) with the opening facing Player B
      • Player B flicks the Discs, trying to land in the box
    • Once both Players have flicked all Discs, one round is complete
    • Play 3 rounds total
  3. Scoring:
    • Total your points at the end of 3 rounds
    • Player with the most points wins!

Game: Finger Football

Played sitting at a table; inside preferred

Game Type: Competitive Game

Supplies Needed: All Discs: 6 Solid Discs + 2 Super Swirl Discs + 1 White Disc

Number of Players: 2


  1. Starting Position:
    • Sit across the table from your teammate
    • Flip-a-Disc to determine who will go first and be Player A (there is no advantage to going first)
    • Player A has all Discs
  2. Gameplay:
    • Player B creates finger football goal posts by having pointer fingertips touching with thumbs pointed up
      • Hands are 2 Disc lengths from the edge of the table and are resting on the table
    • Player A flicks toward finger football goal posts trying to either go between them or ring one of the thumbs
      • To count as a point when it goes between then, the Disc must land on the table in front of Player B
    • Once all Discs have been played, switch positions and Player B flicks toward Player A’s finger football goal posts
    • Once both Players have flicked all Discs, one round is complete
    • Play 3 rounds total
  3. Scoring:
    • Every Disc that goes between the goal posts (even if far above) and lands on the table scores 1 point
    • Every Disc that rings a thumb scores 2 points
    • Total points for all 3 rounds, highest score wins (must win by at least 2)!
  4. Pro Tips:
    • To make it harder:
      • Make goal smaller by putting thumb fingertips together, with pointer fingers pointed up
      • Put the finger football goal posts only 2 Disc lengths from the edge of the table